Cafeteria Procedures
Breakfast is served daily in the school cafeteria. Students may purchase a breakfast for $2.15. If students do not wish to eat breakfast at school, they may purchase a carton of milk for 50 cents. Breakfast will be served to grades K-8 from 7:35 a.m.- 7:54 a.m.
A hot class “A” lunch is served daily in the cafeteria. Students may purchase lunch for $2.80. If a student desires to bring his/her lunch to school, he/she may purchase a carton of milk for 50 cents. Prices may change during the school year. When paying for meals, please indicate which portion of the payment is for lunches, breakfasts, and/or extra milk.
As funding permits, a super snack will be offered from 3:35 to 3:45 p.m. each day.
Free/Reduced Meals:
If a financial hardship is suspected, families will be encouraged to apply for free/reduced meals at any time during the school year. Please contact the school if you think you may qualify.
Free & Reduced Meals Information link - Department of Elementary & Secondary Education
Application Instructions & Free and Reduced Price Application
The Taneyville R-II School District invites patrons to participate in the development, reviews, update, and implementation of the Local School Wellness Policy. The Taneyville R-II School District invites patrons to participate in the development, reviews, update, and implementation of the Local School Wellness Policy.